by Bal Kama
6 December 2017
Papua New Guinea entered its 2017 National Election after a
tumultuous period in the country's politics and economy, and there remains much
uncertainty about the election process, with significant implications for the
country's future. [1] In the last ten years key political,
bureaucratic, and regulatory institutions have struggled and in some cases,
failed. These struggles have been more profound under the O'Neill government
despite some tangible advances in the country's ambitious Vision 2050
roadmap. [2]

Papua New Guinea National Parliament Photo: Drew
Douglas (flickr)
There is a widespread desire across the country for robust and
independent institutions to ensure economic gains are transparently and
sustainably managed. The ultimate question for many voters in the 2017 general
elections was not who would form the next government, but who would be the most
credible leader. [3] With elections now over, and the
O'Neill government returning for a second term, what does Papua New Guinea
expect of the new government and those in power?
This analysis attempts to address how key trends in PNG's politics
will impact upon both the bureaucracy and regulatory environment. It will
identify some of the key actors and how they are likely to change. It will
discuss current political trends, their impact on the regulatory and
legislative environments and how likely they are to continue in the future.
Finally, it assesses the prospects of continuing dysfunction in PNG politics,
the further marginalisation and deterioration of the bureaucracy, and how this
destructive course might be avoided.
Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has been the most dominant political
player in PNG politics this decade. The dramatic events of the 2011
constitutional crisis resulted in the unexpected elevation of O'Neill into
power. He quickly became revered among his peers as an experienced combatant of
the country's hostile politics. [4]

Prime Minister Peter O'Neill. Photo: Mark
Schiefelbein-Pool/Getty Images
O'Neill maintained strong populist support in the early years of
his government by promising free health and education programs and
infrastructure development, backed by a strong anti-corruption focus in the
form of the Investigative Task Force Sweep. [5] However, his prolonged resistance
against his arrest warrant for official corruption has contributed to the
deterioration of regulatory and enforcement institutions as well as reducing
confidence in his political longevity. [6]
With mounting allegations against him, O'Neill influenced key
political allies and swayed the appointment of key bureaucrats whose loyalty
helped consolidate his grip on power. O'Neill's influential political allies
include William Duma, [7] Dr Fabian Pok, [8] Peter Ipatas, [9] James Marape [10] and Mao Zeming. [11] Playing into existing regionalist
sentiment within PNG politics, O'Neill maintains a firm inner circle of
Highlands MPs [12] and ensures that controversies
involving them are subdued. [13] Other key players in O'Neill's
ascension include former Prime Minister Pais Wingti, [14] Speaker of Parliament Theo Zurenouc,
Don Polye, [15] Patrick Pruaitch, [16] and Ben Micah. [17] Polye, Pruaitch and Micah were key
allies in the early period of O'Neill's government and were rewarded with
senior ministerial portfolios until their falling-out with O'Neill led them to
the Opposition. Don Polye and Ben Micah lost their seats in the 2017 election.
O'Neill's political party, the People's National Congress (PNC),
also suffered losses of influential political figures such as the former Deputy
Prime Minister Leo Dion, Mao Zeming and Theo Zurenouc. The latter two were
critical, as in the past they leveraged support for O'Neill from MPs in the
mainland coastal region (Momase).
Unlike his previous government, O'Neill initially faced an uphill
battle against a resurgent Opposition group with 46 MPs. However, some members
in the Opposition have defected to join O'Neill since his election as the
country's Prime Minister in August 2017. With the looming vote of no-confidence
in the next 15 months, O'Neill will do whatever he can to retain support. [18]
The appointment of Charles Abel as Deputy Prime Minister is an
attempt to retain support from the coastal MPs as well as redirect attention
from O'Neill to a competent partner. In the last government, O'Neill played a
prominent role while the Deputy Prime Minister was almost non-existent on the
national scene. However, that is likely to change.
Abel has already been proactive in engaging with national issues
and will be using his experience in trade and commerce to try and restore
investor confidence. While Abel reports to O'Neill, he should be able to
influence the Cabinet unlike his predecessor Leo Dion. Being relatively young
and from the coastal region, Abel may also challenge and foster consensus among
his peers and outspoken MPs in the likes of Gary Juffa, Allan Bird and Bryan
Kramer in the Opposition, reducing the attention on O'Neill while presenting a
credible image of O'Neill's government.
Peter O'Neill has appointed a Cabinet of 33 members, the largest
in Papua New Guinea's history. [19]Key Ministers within his Cabinet include
James Marape, a loyal lieutenant who retains his finance portfolio; William
Duma, a controversial figure who brought with him critical numbers to the
government; Justin Tkatchenko, who holds the portfolio of Lands & Physical
Planning; and Puka Temu, a leader of the 'Papuan Bloc' who holds the health
portfolio. Other key members of government include Sir Julius Chan, a former
Prime Minister and Governor of New Ireland province who crucially sided with
PNC soon after the election. Job Pomat was also appointed speaker of
Parliament, a position which brings with it significant influence. Pais Wingti
and Peter Ipatas join Sir Julius Chan as senior politicians providing clan and
stability among O'Neill's alliances.
Basil's leadership in the Opposition and strong voice on important
national issues has initially gained the respect of both sides of parliament.
He led the resurgence in one of the oldest parties in Papua New Guinea, Pangu
Pati, with the highest number of MPs in The Alliance, and hoped to be nominated
as Prime Minister by the opposing coalition camp in the event of a change in
However, the elevation of Patrick Pruaitch as the Opposition
Leader unsettled his ambition leading to his defection to join O'Neill in the
government. Since a key campaign platform for Pangu Pati during the 2017
national election was to remove O'Neill, Basil's defection together with 14
other Pangu Pati MPs, appeared to discredit Pangu Pati's image among loyal
But Basil's move may also be strategic to support any move within
the government to unseat O'Neill. A common reason provided by all who have
defected, including Basil, is the challenge in accessing the electoral development
funds as an Opposition MP. While that continues to be an issue, Basil's
standing and the timing of his move is disappointing for the resurgent
The return of Sir Mekere Morauta from retirement to national
politics presents a significant threat to O'Neill's continued dominance.
Morauta's intellectual leadership and statesmanship inspires unity among the
parties opposed to O'Neill. Morauta and fellow Independent MPs have recently
joined the Pangu Pati, allowing Pangu the highest number of MPs in the
Opposition before the defection of its members to the government. The official
position of Pangu Pati is unclear as its members in both the government and the
Opposition claim to represent the party. Morauta inadvertently assumes
leadership of the Opposition faction of the party.
Morauta leads a 'redeeming plan' that starts with the replacement
of O'Neill. [20] However, his long vendetta against
O'Neill over the PNG Sustainable Development Programme (PNGSDP) funds, which
O'Neill has sought to control by removing Morauta as Chairman, may invite
closer scrutiny of Morauta's past controversies.
Patrick Pruaitch is the party leader of the National Alliance
(NA), the second most well-established political party to Peter O'Neill's PNC
party and the current Opposition Leader. [21] Founded by Sir Michael Somare, the
NA-led government stayed in power for two terms prior to O'Neill's takeover in
August 2011. NA is well financed, with close links to foreign logging
companies. However, partners in the Opposition doubt NA as trustworthy due to
alleged mismanagement of the country during their term in government. It is one
of the likely reasons for Sam Basil's defection to join the O'Neill government
after Pruaitch was elevated as the leader of the Opposition. It appears the
appointment was more out of convenience to keep the NA Members in the
While NA has publicly stated its opposition to O'Neill during
their fallout in February 2017, key elements within the coalition continue to
question Pruaitch's leadership. [22] Pruaitch was part of the infamous
'kitchen cabinet', alleged to be responsible for the country's mismanagement
during Somare's reign. [23] He was also Treasurer in the final
years of O'Neill's first term, when the economy was considerably mismanaged.
Newly elected and well respected MPs Allan Bird and Walter Schnaubelt promise
to instil some credibility in the NA party but this will not be immediate.
Kerenga Kua is outspoken on complex legal issues associated with
governance in PNG's highly litigious environment. As one of the country's most
senior lawyers, Kua commands the respect of both parliament and the general
public. A change in government would see him reignite anti-corruption efforts
and ensure the completion of investigations against O'Neill. Kua's ascension
will likely see a restoration of confidence in the legal system. [24]
Gary Juffa commands strong populist support and addresses issues
such as unscrupulous foreign businesses, illegal immigrants and the West Papuan
conflict with patriotic overtones that sometimes may appear contentious.
As a former army captain revered for his role in ousting the
Sandline mercenaries, Belden Namah may come across as undiplomatic at times,
but many regard his straight-shooting approach as necessary to ensuring
accountability in a highly predatory political environment.
Another player, Bryan Kramer, is PNG's most influential blogger
with a significant social media presence due to his anti-corruption campaigns.
Elected for Madang Open, Kramer is likely to be a leading voice for reform
while engaging directly with the public on the inner workings of parliament and
the government systems.
The existence of multiple political parties has meant that O'Neill
had to form a coalition government, as has been the case for all governments
since independence. [25] There are at least three key drivers
that influence MPs in the formation of government, in order of importance:
Which 'camp' has the numbers to form the new
What can I gain from joining a 'camp'?
Is the proposed Prime Minister a credible
By this hierarchy, the credibility of Peter O'Neill as a Prime
Minister is the least consideration for MPs despite outstanding serious
criminal investigations against him. For some MPs, it is assumed that
leadership will change during the term of the parliament through a vote of no
confidence or other permissible means. [26] The primary concern for MPs is to be
in government rather than in the Opposition. [27] Joining the Opposition means a loss
of privileges, including the potential for ministerial portfolios, as well as
difficulties in accessing the electoral development funds (District Service
Improvement Program and Provincial Service Improvement Program). [28]
The process of choosing the Prime Minister continues to be
undermined not only by accusations of manipulation and inducements but
increasingly it tends to be about what the MPs gets in return for their
support, not the people of Papua New Guinea. With a high level of fluidity in
MPs' movements, this trend only adds to the anxiety that in PNG politics,
'there are no permanent enemies or friends, only permanent interests'.
Some key players within the bureaucracy and state institutions
have been able to exert power and have direct impact on political outcomes and
the regulatory and legislative environment.
The Chief Secretary to the Government, Isaac Lupari, oversees the
entire public service machinery and is one of O'Neill's most trusted allies. He
is an important asset for the government, with extensive experience and
networks within the echelons of PNG bureaucracy.[29]
However, Lupari's position is untenable. He was implicated in the
Finance Inquiry, which uncovered a multimillion fraud syndicate involving very
senior public servants, MPs and private companies associated with the
Department of Finance. [30] The Commission recommended Lupari
for criminal charges but none have yet been laid. [31]
Using his insights into the public service machinery, Lupari
influences O'Neill and his Cabinet in the appointment of departmental heads.
Lupari continues as Chief Secretary under the O'Neil government although a
potential change in government may affect the pending criminal investigations
against him.
Other key actors directly contributing to or affecting the
regulatory and legislative environment include:
Police Commissioner Gari Baki
Judges and Lawyers
Defence Force Commander Brigadier-General Gilbert Toropo
Ombudsman Commissioners
Public Prosecutors
The Secretaries of Finance, Treasury and Planning
Provincial and District Administrators
The following analysis identifies these actors, considers their
impact on institutions and the resulting trends. In the last ten years it
appears that having influence within the security forces is imperative to the
continuation of political power. Further, having access to funds through the
finance, treasury and planning departments, and local government administrators
assist in the misuse of public funds. The conduct of the Ombudsman Commission,
the Public Prosecutor and those within the judicial system appears to be
relatively robust, but assisting them in addressing their many challenges will
enable them to operate more effectively in a politically volatile and highly
litigious environment.
The key legislative and regulatory agencies in Papua New Guinea
include the parliament, the police, the Ombudsman Commission, the courts, and
departmental agencies such as the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) within the
Department of Finance. Political actors have been able to influence these
agencies with a common purpose of limiting their impact on political and
personal agendas. There are weaknesses in each of these institutions, which
need to be addressed in order to bolster the integrity of PNG's legislative and
regulatory framework.
The Papua New Guinea parliament was envisaged to play a 'central
role' in shaping the country's democracy both through its law-making function
and as the leading forum for debate on national issues. [32] Papua New Guinea's parliament has
been complimented for its stability in recent years, but this has come at the
cost of robust debate.
The parliament has been riven with controversy since the 1980s
when the vote of no confidence scheme was first activated, leading to
significant parliamentary instability. Successive governments have used their
numerical strength to thwart the legislative process as well as suppress fair
debates and parliamentary proceedings in order to, not only remain in power,
but also maximise predatory political interests knowing they might not retain
their seat in the next election. [33]
As parliamentary stability has resumed, the PNG Supreme Court has
observed over the years a growing trend to "bulldoze legislation through
because there [has been] an absence of Opposition or their voices not entered
in Parliament", [34] cautioning that "Parliament ...
should never be a 'rubber stamp' for the executive, and that any legislative
programme of the executive should be subjected to the closest
scrutiny". [35] Similar assertions were made of
O'Neill's government when overturning the changes made to the Constitution in
the Manus Island detention centre case. [36]
The Speaker of Parliament has been a prime cause for weakening the
parliament. Because parliamentary proceedings are non-justiciable (meaning they
cannot themselves be a cause for litigation), the Speaker is left unrestrained
to engage in questionable practices. [37] In the 2011 constitutional crisis,
the Supreme Court found that "the Speaker [Jeffery Nape] contributed
enormously to the crisis" by failing to remain "neutral and
impartial". [38] The Court noted that "the
actions of the Speaker appeared to have been motivated by power and political
expediency" [39]and were "harsh and
oppressive". [40]
Backed by his contentious spiritual beliefs, the Speaker under the
O'Neill government, (now ousted) Theo Zurenouc, is credited with restoring some
credibility to the parliament, but his conduct has not escaped similar
accusations of bias. [41] This issue is most likely to
continue in the new government with even Zurenouc admitting that it is a
"dangerous trend [that] needs to be proactively addressed". [42]
Under the PNG Constitution, a government can be subject to a vote
of no confidence after 18 months in power.[43] The threat of a vote of no
confidence often immobilises 'normal executive and legislative functions'
leading to increased 'corruption and patronage' despite appearances of
stability. [44] Former Prime Minister Sir Julius
Chan confessed that the vote of no confidence system means a prime minister
"has to spend a quite disproportionate amount of his time and energy
keeping individual politicians 'happy'". [45] The Speaker can manipulate the
proceedings in order to give unfair advantage to a party. [46] While this system remains in place,
incoming governments continue to face instability after the grace period. [47]
Papua New Guinea has never had a strong political party system,
and with 45 political parties participating in the 2017 elections, this
continues to be a challenge. [48] Once in parliament, political
parties exist "solely as parliamentary factions" [49] without firm ideological premises
and party discipline. It allows MPs to hop between parties - leading to tradition
of instability and growing urgency to address it. [50]
An attempt was made in 2010 under the Organic Law on the Integrity
of Political Parties and Candidates (OLIPPAC) to control the movement of MPs
but the Supreme Court declared it to be unconstitutional on the basis that the
penalties prescribed under the law against MPs were harsh and oppressive of
their freedom to make political decisions. [51] As evidenced by the near doubling of
O'Neill's PNC party during its first term in government, this trend will likely
continue. [52] The Registry of Political Parties
has prepared an amended version of the OLIPPAC but is yet to be passed by the
parliament. While the country remains vulnerable to 'party-hopping', some key
indicators, however, suggest that this is likely to change over the next

PNG Electoral Commission workers show local candidate
posters that the Australian Civilian Corps helped produce at a trial poll booth
set up in Port Moresby. Photo: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (flickr)
First, voters over the years have developed an increased awareness
and sensitivity to political parties. In the 2012 elections, Somare's NA party
lost more than three-quarters of their seats as voters became distrustful of
the party. In 2017, O'Neill's PNC party faced similar challenges, losing almost
half of its MPs while some of its serving MPs ran as Independent candidates or
even refused to state on their campaign posters that they were endorsed by the
PNC. In contrast, newly revived political parties, such as Pangu Pati,
campaigned successfully on the platform of being the oldest and reliable
political party without the backing of wealth or senior political figures.
Second, because voters are becoming more sensitive to political
parties, they are quick to hold their MPs accountable for their choices in
joining a political faction. This was evident in the 2017 election where many
voters expressed their dissatisfaction over their MP's decision to join
O'Neill. [53]
Third, political parties are becoming more established and well
connected to businesses and government opportunities, which means there are
incentives, both inside and outside of politics, for MPs to remain committed to
a party.
Fourth, major political parties are becoming wealthier and have
the ability to induce and retain their MPs, and to finance new candidates in
increasingly expensive election campaigning.
Despite these trends there will still be a strong focus on
election candidates to run as independents so that if they are to win they can
'keep their options open' and extract the greatest benefit from a political
party. More than half of the candidates in the 2017 election ran as
A primary factor in PNG's political stability in recent years is
the government's control and distribution of the electoral development funds
under the District Service Improvement Program (DSIP) and Provincial Service
Improvement Program (PSIP). The Vice Minister for Provincial and Local-level
Government Affairs has made clear the reason why multiple attempts to change
the prime minister have been unsuccessful:
"The reason is because DSIP is there that's why we will be in the government and support the O'Neill-Dion government. It's not about your number of qualifications you have to lead the government, so long as you have the money, you will master the numbers." [54]
"The reason is because DSIP is there that's why we will be in the government and support the O'Neill-Dion government. It's not about your number of qualifications you have to lead the government, so long as you have the money, you will master the numbers." [54]
The annual funding for districts (DSIP) is currently K10 million,
with provinces receiving K5 million for each district within that province
(PSIP). [55] The funds are intended for service
and infrastructure developments, but the implementation of these programs in
many electorates is highly questionable. [56] The legislation provides for the
funds' allocation, but the amounts, and their timing, is at the discretion of
the executive government through its influence on the state's finance
department. [57]
This discretion allows the executive to influence MPs' behaviour.
This trend is likely to continue but will vary according to the government in
place. While the system may be unsound and undemocratic, the funds restrain the
movement of MPs, thus minimising political instability.
Due to strong localised pressure and expectations from tribal,
district and provincial forces, a majority of the MPs are committed to
representing these interests at the national level than investing in addressing
national concerns. This leaves a vacuum for a handful of political elites to
take advantage at the national level. As long as they can keep the locally
focused MPs 'happy' with what they need for their electorates, then they can
have them bandwagon on any policy decisions, legislations or reforms.
This behaviour is slowly changing as local expectations are
increasingly connected to national issues and as people become more informed
through platforms such as social media on the importance of their MPs addressing
national issues. But until that is fully realised, local pressures will
continue to affect an MP's behaviour, which, at times, can be detrimental to
the national interest.
Papua New Guinea is one of the most litigious societies in the
world. While the trend to suppress high-profile cases casts doubt over the
efficacy of the legal system, courts continue to play a pivotal role against a
powerful executive government. The Supreme Court has reinforced its unwavering
intention that "abuse of power by the [Executive] NEC must not be
tolerated by the Court". [58]
The PNG judiciary comprises the Village, District, National and
Supreme courts, with the National and Supreme Courts forming an appellate
structure with jurisdiction over serious cases including constitutional
matters. The judiciary currently consists of 39 judges, including two on
secondment from the Australian Federal Court, an increase from the initial 34
judges in the last ten years. [59]
Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia aims to have between 80 and 100
judges on the bench by 2020. [60]This positive development would increase
the number of resident judges in the country's 21 provinces, as well as judges
serving in the proposed Court of Appeal, a new court to sit between the
National and the Supreme courts. []
Parliament has yet to approve and legislate the proposal. The
proposed Court of Appeal hopes to decrease congestion in the court system and
increase judges' specialisation, but "staffing such a structure with
judges of suitable ability and experience would be difficult for Papua New
Guinea alone at its present stage of development". [62] Some fear that an extra layer of the
courts may increase unnecessary appeals, already rife in the current system,
although this would not be insurmountable for a robust and independent
judiciary. The Court has taken an active approach against what it perceives as
a 'creeping tyranny' in parliament, when it granted 'standing' to the
Opposition Leader and senior public servants in 2014 to challenge
constitutional amendments in Court. [63] The Supreme Court allowed former
Opposition Leader Belden Namah to prosecute the Manus Island detention centre
case after he failed to defeat the constitutional amendment that sanctioned the
Australia-PNG bilateral arrangement in parliament. [64] Such is unheard of in comparable
democracies but the Court has deemed it necessary against the fundamental
inefficiencies of the Parliament. This precedent is likely to continue.
However, PNG's courts do remain vulnerable to political
interference. [65] Successive political leaders and
public servants have exploited the legal system in attempts to undermine
legitimate investigations against them. For instance, Prime Minister O'Neill
applied to the National Court in 2014 for a stay of an arrest warrant against
him, on the basis that it was the work of "rogue policemen". The
Court refused, citing a lack of evidence of rogue policing or political
motivation. [66]
This trend of obstructing justice continues, with political actors
and bureaucrats remaining in office even when implicated in serious offences
that would warrant resignation or suspension until the completion of
investigations. [67]
These actions also reflect poorly on the role of the lawyers
advising their clients in such cases. Legal practice in Papua New Guinea has
become more insular and ethically questionable, with a client-driven approach that
takes little heed of the consequent risks to the rule of law. [68] [69] PNG judges may themselves be
perpetuating these challenges through inconsistent judgments, unnecessary
interventions, persistent delays and devotion to conservative interpretation of
the law absent socio-political considerations. [70]
Despite concerns, the PNG judiciary has made important strides
over the years and remains relatively robust and independent. A progress was
the establishment of the Fraud and Corruption Offences Track to respond to the
increase in corruption cases and delays in court hearings. [71]
The independence of the judiciary is reinforced through the
appointments process. The Judicial and Legal Services Commission (JLSC) appoint
all judges except the Chief Justice. The JLSC is an independent body comprised
of the Attorney General, the Chief Justice, the Deputy Chief Justice, the Chief
Ombudsman and a member of the parliamentary permanent appointments committee.
The JLSC appoints judges to three- and ten-year tenure. [72] According to the Constitution, the
appointing body (JLSC) "is not subject to direction or control by any
person or authority". [73] This arrangement is different from
Australia's in which Federal and High Court judges are appointed by government
and with life tenure. [74]
In Papua New Guinea, the government appoints the Chief Justice for
a term of 10 years, and Chief Justice Injia's term expires in 2018. [75] Despite the contentious relationship
between Prime Minister O'Neill and the Chief Justice in 2011, key actors within
the O'Neill-led cabinet are likely to vouch for his reappointment.
Irrespective of the outcome, the widespread view is that the
judiciary is PNG's 'last bastion of hope', and this sentiment is likely to
sustain the judiciary's continuing independence. [76] The Chief Justice reinforced this
resolve in his address to his colleagues when opening PNG's 2017 Legal Year:
"The future security of our country is in your hands and my hands.
Politics will come and go, you and I will remain steadfast and continue to
uphold the Constitution with our responsibilities." [77]
The PNG police have a challenging role in maintaining law and
order in a deeply fragmented and often volatile country. The recent shooting of
police officers in Wabag town and Southern Highlands in election-related
violence is evidence of the high risks of policing. [78]

Waigani Police Station, Port Moresby. Photo:
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (flickr)
Police powers pose a threat to political actors, as successful
prosecutions would mean jail time as well as loss of political power. As a
consequence, politicians are increasingly interfering with and influencing
police operations. Control of the police can facilitate political power. For
example, when Peter O'Neill seized power from Somare in 2011, he replaced then
Police Commissioner Fred Yakasa (Somare's appointee) with Toami Kulunga. [79] O'Neill then forced Kulunga's
resignation in 2014 for authorising an arrest warrant against him, installing
Jeffery Vaki who immediately recalled all investigations against O'Neill and went
to great lengths to frustrate legal processes. [80] The current police commissioner Gari
Baki has continued the process, securing O'Neill's term in office while gagging
other potential high profile investigations through an internal 'vetting
committee'. [81]
Nonetheless, the public retains a degree of trust in police work,
particularly because of the successes of the anti-corruption work by the Fraud
Squad and the Investigative Task Force Sweep despite O'Neill's accusations that
they are "politically compromised". [82]
Since the case of Paul Tiensten, a former senior government
minister sentenced to nine years imprisonment in 2014, criminal law amendments
have increased penalties from the previous maximum of 10 years to 50 years,
with life imprisonment for corruption of K1 million or more. [83]Aware of these risks, political actors are
wary of criminal investigations, eager to establish closer relations with the
police, and interfere in its work where possible.
O'Neill's return has already spurred efforts to further stifle the
corruption cases against him while the Police Commissioner faces increased
pressure from the public to effect the arrest warrant. [84]
The Ombudsman Commission (OC) administers the Leadership Code
that prescribes the proper conduct of political leaders and senior bureaucrats. [85] The OC's recent intervention in
extending the 2017 return of writs demonstrates its continuing value in the
conduct of PNG's democracy. [86]
An independent committee comprised of bi-partisan members
including the Chief Justice appoints the commissioners. The OC investigates
potential breaches of the Leadership Code and makes recommendations for the
Public Prosecutor to undertake court proceedings through a Leadership Tribunal.
The Tribunal applies civil penalties, such as dismissing an MP from office, as
well as recommending criminal investigations. [87]
The wide-ranging powers of the OC extend to issuing
quasi-enforceable directives to financial institutions to halt the release of
DSIP and PSIP funds. [88] It also has automatic 'standing' to
challenge laws and constitutional amendments passed by the PNG parliament - a
function used to significant effect but in varying degree over the years. [89] These wide-ranging powers render it
vulnerable to attack by political leaders. The most notable example of this was
the Maladina Amendments, a sweeping set of changes aimed at restricting the
OC's investigative and directive issuing powers. [90] Public protests and a successful
court action scotched the Maladina proposal, but political interference in the
OC remains a risk. [91]
Frustrated by their inability to limit the OC's extensive powers
or interfere with the appointment of independent Ombudsman Commissioners,
political actors have instead tried to limit its funding, affecting its ability
to function effectively. [92]
Political interferences in the appointments of departmental
heads have undermined the proper functioning of the public service. [93] Appointments were once the
responsibility of the Public Service Commission, a three-member independent
body appointed to maintain a high standard of merit-based appointments. [94]
However, the O'Neill government replaced this structure with the
Ministerial Executive Appointments Committee chaired by the Minister
responsible for the department and comprising other government ministers and
public servants. [95] This arrangement is arguably
unconstitutional, and suggests a direct political interference in the
appointment process. The new arrangement has kept departmental and statutory
heads such as the Police Commissioner and the Secretary of Finance and Treasury
subservient to the government.
The Public Service Commission is currently challenging the
constitutionality of the arrangement in the Supreme Court but until the case is
determined, ministerial appointments will continue to hinder the independent
functions of the public service. [96]
A similar arrangement is in place for the appointment of district
administrators. [97] The District Development Authority
Act 2014 gives MPs increased funding and influence over the appointment of
district administrators to suit their political agendas, leading to greater
abuses. [98]
Bougainville is due for referendum seeking complete autonomy in
2019 as part of the Peace Agreement. One of the primary conditions for autonomy
is for the Bougainville government to exercise control over its own natural
resources. However, this has inspired other provinces to seek similar outcomes.
Sir Julius Chan, for instance, is seeking some autonomy for the New Ireland
province, which will no doubt be given serious consideration considering how
important his support was to O'Neill's PNC party early in the forming of
government period. There are similar talks among some prominent leaders in the
Highlands provinces but Peter O'Neill's ascension has kept a lid on it.
Looking into 2025, these talks may become more evident especially
in Southern Highlands and Enga provinces if changes are made to current key
political actors and existing landowner issues are not adequately addressed.
The push for autonomy is largely a result from frustrations that
the national government has mismanaged the resource revenues and failed to
deliver on the expected benefits. It may play into existing regional and
provincial fragmentations as well as revive historic secessionist movements.
For investors in extractive and natural resource industry, this is likely to
pose a challenge. These considerations, however, should not derail
Bougainville's referendum.
There were 165 female candidates, out of the 3324 candidates
that contested in the 2017 national elections, but none were successful in
securing a seat in parliament. It is a setback to many who advocated for equal
political representation. The disappointing election outcome demands a
reassessment of the political culture and its perception of women as political
One of the main reasons identified was that women were
disadvantaged because of the increased bribery and election fraud or the
aggressive campaign techniques employed by their male counterparts. These
issues certainly affected the integrity of the whole election. But the women
candidates must be credited for withstanding these electoral malfeasances and
for some, even having a close contest.
A pressing issue evident in all the elections so far is the
perception of voters on whether or not women are capable of representing their
interests in a highly contested, predatory and sometimes, bloody political
environment. This perception is influenced by factors quite different to those
promoting a safe and tolerant political space for women in Western democracies.
An avenue to effectively address this perception issue is to
encourage women to be involved at the local government as councillors,
presidents for local level government (LLG), or even as district or provincial
administrators. Currently, only a few women are councillors, none, however, are
LLG presidents or district and provincial administrators as far as this paper
is concerned. These are politically charged positions. Being in these positions
would allow women to demonstrate their competency, and seeing their success in
these positions would contribute largely to altering the public perception of
women in political leadership.
The Prime Minister promised to revisit the proposal for the 22
reserve seats in parliament which, unfortunately, was not supported by MPs,
including the three women MPs, in the last government. [99] The proposal sought to allow each of
the 21 provinces and the National Capital District to have a male and female
governor. It remains to be seen how the governors of each province, who are
often jealous of their powers, will respond to this power sharing arrangement
if the reserve seats were to be enacted.
To advance the point earlier, an alternative would be to propose
reserve seats at the local level government, allowing women as council
presidents and pressuring the government to appoint women as district and
provincial administrators. Given the current political environment, such an
arrangement is likely to gain more political support from the MPs than the
current proposal for reserve seats in the national parliament.
It is important to approach this issue with openness for
incremental changes, starting with the local political institutions creating a
network of strong women leaders as role models, which will inspire more
substantive reform at the national level all the while advancing the national
conversation for equal political representation.

Voter in Bougainville, PNG checks photos of
candidates before entering poll station to cast her vote. Photo: Commonwealth
Secretariat (flickr)
The role of the Speaker of Parliament should be better defined and
endowed with less discretion. [100] Papua New Guinea should consider a
bi-partisan appointment of a non-parliamentarian to be the Speaker. [101] Despite the shortcomings of the
Organic Law on Political Parties and Candidates to regulate political parties
and movement of MPs within political factions, legislation still remains the
best chance of countering the fluid party political system. [102] But increase awareness on the
importance of political parties among electors and candidates is positively
impacting the behaviour of MPsGuineans.
MPs' access to electoral funds is contentious but will most likely
remain a permanent part of the political system. [103] The Constitution should be amended
to have the funds as constitutional grants, with MPs given the right to seek
enforcement if the government fails to equitably manage its distribution.
Direct control over district development funds blurs MP's functions as
legislators and project managers and raises the possibility of a future
constitutional challenge. [104] A province-based inter-agency
oversight mechanism should be established to improve the transparency and
accountability of expenditure.
Lack of proper management of development funds has also created
expectations and greater reliance on investors and donors to undertake
development work and build infrastructures. While it may be part of the
investor's contractual responsibility, it risks encouraging the abuse of public
If PNG's bureaucracy is to remain relevant and credible, the
appointment of departmental heads should revert to the Public Service
Commission as sole appointing body, restoring its constitutional role. [105] Cronyism, as exemplified by the
police force, hamstrings the entire system. It has created distrust in the public
service machinery, forcing people including investors, to bypass the state
system to deal directly with the political elites.
Government funding for the OC and Public Prosecutor needs to be
maintained at a level sufficient for effective operations. They need to attract
and retain competitive staffs able to represent the agencies against the highly
skilled private lawyers often hired by politicians. Acting appointments in
these agencies should be abolished or only for a defined period, as job
insecurity have been argued to compromise performance.
Judges must be consistent and coherent in their judgments.
Inconsistency has created a culture of 'judge-shopping' among litigants,
exposing the courts to exploitation to the detriment of the legal system. [106] Legalistic judgments or court
proceedings that take little or no account of surrounding socio-economic and
political circumstances could be provocative and inconvenient to the course of
justice. This includes the mediation proceedings between landowners and
investors where court's intervention may not always lead to a just
outcome. [107]
The PNG Law Society needs to be proactive in disciplining lawyers
who breach ethical standards. With more Australian lawyers in the country,
there is also a need for Australia to be proactive in regulating the practices
of its lawyers who are often called into question. [108]
It is critical that an independent body similar to the Ombudsman
Commission appoints the Police Commissioner with security of tenure so that the
Commissioner remains independent from political influence. The proposed
Independent Commission Against Corruption looks promising, following its
incorporation into the PNG Constitution. [109] While its functions are as yet
unclear, it is most likely to have a greater independence and continue the work
of Investigation Task Force Sweep (ITFS). The successes of ITFS in countering
corruption remain unparalleled to any anti-corruption agency in Papua New
Guinea. Although discredited and rejected by the current government, ITFS'
model must be revisited if Papua New Guinea is to successfully combat
There is a real risk that PNG politics will become increasingly
dysfunctional under the current structures and conditions. With the threat of a
vote of no confidence looming large over any new government, the need to keep
coalition parties 'happy' rivals the responsibility to govern. [110]Distribution of the electoral funds (DSIP
and PSIP) appears to be the single most important factor in consolidating
political power against potential challenges. [111] But misuses of these development
funds often create expectations for investors and donor agencies to step in and
provide basic government services leading to questions of dependency and
sustainability. Underfunded state institutions, with some subjected to internal
interferences and overt political sway over of departmental appointments
contributes to the decline of current statutory and bureaucratic environment.
Over the next decade, investors may be confronted with two
narratives - whether Papua New Guinea is increasingly becoming a failing State
with a highly predatory elite or whether Papua New Guinea, being a relatively
young democracy, is still undergoing a highly complex process of state
formation and the issues described here are part of that process. Neither of
these narratives offers any assurance except to suggest that these challenges
are likely to persist but in varying degrees in the future. However, there are
also key indicators that suggest things may change for better as the country heads
into 2025 and beyond.
First, the people of Papua New Guinea have shown to be highly
resilient despite systemic inefficiencies and instability. For instance, during
the 2011 constitutional crisis, the country had 'two' prime ministers for
nearly seven months, and key accountability institutions were almost
inoperable. Yet, the country overall was stable and the Constitution unbroken.
Political instability as a result of issues identified here is often contained
at the national level. The sub-national and local levels remain unhindered
using both formal and informal institutions to aid their governance systems.
Second, key accountability institutions continue to demonstrate
their resilience amid challenges and political interferences. The courts, the
Ombudsman Commission and now the parliament, initially with 46 Opposition MPs -
the highest number in the history of the country's parliament - and despite
some recent defection, continues to maintain credibility. Choosing to be in the
Opposition and missing out on the perks and privileges of being with the
government is an important behavioural change indicating commitment to good
governance and potential for better leadership in the future.
Third, general elections in the last ten years have indicated that
voting behaviours are gradually changing. People are increasingly aware of the
ill effects of 'money-politics' and unscrupulous political campaigns and are
sensitive to the reputations of political parties. These factors have
influenced the high turnover of MPs in the last ten years. While the management
of the electoral system have been a failure, the voters are increasingly better
informed to make good political choices.
A major part of this shift is access to contemporary political
platforms. Social media is transforming politics from being tribal and
disparate to an institution capable of forging collective national interests.
Increasingly, prominent political players are accessing social media forums,
and are involved in the sharing of ideas and concerns in the hope that a
politically informed population will encourage public scrutiny of political
leaders. [112] While social media may not
translate to effective change, it is a positive influence. It helps shape
collective views on critical national issues while dismantling the cleavages
that perpetuate cronyism and shelter perpetrators responsible for the country's
Having an unbroken Constitution, and regarded as one of the
established democracies in the world, Papua New Guinea certainly has the
potential to see its democratic project flourish. Strengthening the public
service mechanism would be imperative to its resurgence. Over the years, the
public service has been reconfigured to make politics its epicentre. Domestic
and foreign interests bypass the formal state to deal directly with political
actors - further legitimising this reconfiguration. It will require a sustained
effort of political re-engineering - re-crafting the institutional rules of the
game - to steer the country forward. [113] Current indicators suggest this is
With the controversies of the 2017 elections behind it, the
largely disenfranchised but resilient population of Papua New Guinea now waits
anxiously to see how its elected 'male' leaders will navigate these challenges
and bolster the country's democratic resolve.
[1] Paul Flanagan, "Papua New Guinea
Stumbles to an Election", East Asia Forum, 18 January 2017,;
Bal Kama, "Some Challenges for Voters in PNG's 2017 General
Election", DevPolicy Blog, 23 June 2017,
[2] Bal Kama, "Day of Judgement: PNG
and the O'Neill Government", DevPolicy Blog, 9 June 2017,;
Cedric Patjole, "K60b in Taxes from PNG LNG Project", PNG Loop News,
18 July 2017,;
Tabian Ambang, "Progress and the Challenges of Implementing PNG Vision
2050: Reflections from Human Development Index ranking for 2011-2012",
Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal 17 (November 2012), 83.
[3] Bal Kama, "The Democratic
Project under Review in PNG Elections", The Interpreter, 17 June 2014,
[4] "Ousted PNG Leader Michael
Somare Plans Return, Claims he Is Still Prime Minister", The Australian, 1
September 2011,;
"Papua New Guinea in Crisis as Two Claim to Be Prime Minister", The
Guardian, 14 December 2011,;
"Somare Will Go in his Own Time", The National, 22 December 2011,
[5] Freddy Mou, "Government to
Maintain Major Policies: O'Neill", PNG Loop News, 12 June 2016,
[6] Bal Kama, "Some Clarification
from the Courts in PNG PM's 'Fight to the Very Last Breath'", DevPolicy
Blog, 4 July 2014,;
Liam Fox, "PNG's Chief Justice Arrested in Port Moresby", ABC News, 8
May 2012,
[7] Parliamentary leader of the United
Resource Party (URP).
[8] Minister for Defence.
[9] Parliamentary leader of the People's
[10] Minister for Finance.
[11] Deputy parliamentary leader of the
People's National Congress party and Minister for Fisheries.
[12] Ron May, "Political Parties in
Papua New Guinea", in Roland Rich, Luke Hambly and Michael G Morgan,
Political Parties in the Pacific Islands (2008), 89.
[13] Eric Tlozek, "PNG Ministers
Suspended Amid Inland Naval Base Corruption Scandal", ABC News, 6 February
Quintina Naime, "Landowners Demand COI to Investigate Manumanu Land
Deal", PNG Loop News, 20 March 2017,
[14] Former Prime Minister and leader of
the People's Democratic Movement party.
[15] Parliamentary leader of the Triumph
Heritage Party.
[16] Parliamentary leader of the National
Alliance Party.
[17] Parliamentary leader of the People's
Progress Party. .
[18] "New Opposition Coalition Forms
in Papua New Guinea", Pacific Beat, 9 June 2017,;
"The Alliance Seeks Numbers to Oust PNC Rule", Post Courier, 25 July
[19] "Prime Minister O'Neill
Announces Cabinet", PNG Today, August 2017,
[20] Mekere Morauta, "Sir Mekere
Challenges PM on Corruption", Papua New Guinea Observer, 14 May 2017,;
"Sir Mekere Beckons Independent Candidates", Post Courier, 19 July
[21] "Who Will Be Papua New Guinea's
Prime Minister?", Radio New Zealand, 22 July 2017,
[22] "Polye says Patrick Pruaitch is
as much to blame on the state of the economy", EMTV News, 3 April 2017,;
"Schnaubelt: No Talks between NA and PNC Yet", PNG Loop News, 18 July
[23] "Polye Blames Pruaitch for
Somare's Regime's Fall", PNG Loops News, 29 May 2017,
[24] Data from author's PhD field
research in March 2016 shows that senior management at the Department of
Justice and Attorney-General regard Kerenga Kua as the most effective Minister
in the last 10 years for the Department; "Papua New Guinea Prime Minister
Peter O'Neill Axes Anti-corruption Taskforce Sweep", ABC News, 19 July
[25] Benjamin Reilly, "Political
Engineering and Party Politics in Papua New Guinea", Party Politics 8, No
6 (2002), 704; Ron May, "Political Parties in Papua New Guinea", in
Roland Rich, Luke Hambly and Michael G Morgan, Political Parties in the Pacific
Islands (2008), 83-97.
[26] PNG Constitution 1975, sections 142,
145, 146.
[29] The Commission of Inquiry into the
Department of Finance, Final Report by Commissioners Justice Cathy Davani,
Maurice Sheehan and Don Manoa, 29 October 2009, 513, 514,
[30] Ibid.
[31] Ibid, 521, 524.
[32] Constitutional Planning Committee
Report 1974, Chapter 6 [1],
[33] Documented in Supreme Court cases
such as Reference by the Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea [2010] PGSC
10; SC1058; In re Reference to Constitution section 19(1) by East Sepik
Provincial Executive [2011] PGSC 41; SC1154 (12 December 2011).
[34] In re Constitution Section 19(1) -
Special reference by Allan Marat; In re Constitution Section 19(1) and 3(a) -
Special reference by the National Parliament [2012] PGSC 20; SC1187 (21 May
2012), para 301; Namah v Pato [2016] PGSC 13; SC1497 (26 April 2016).
[35] Reference by the Ombudsman
Commission of Papua New Guinea [2010] PGSC 10; SC1058 (4 June 2010), [85].
[36] Bal Kama, "PNG Supreme Court
Ruling on Manus Island Detention Centre", DevPolicy Blog, 27 April 2016,
[37] PNG Constitution 1975, s 134 and
schedule 1.7.
[38] In re Reference to Constitution
section 19(1) by East Sepik Provincial Executive [2011] PGSC 41; SC1154 (12
December 2011), [734, 744].
[39] Ibid, [790].
[40] Ibid, [791, 704].
[41] "Evangelical Christian Speaker
of Papua New Guinea's Parliament Destroys 'Evil' Pagan Carvings', The
Telegraph, 23 December 2013,;
"Papua New Guinea's Opposition Launches Another Motion for Vote of No
Confidence", ABC News, 7 June 2016,
[42] Open Parliament Project, PNG
Parliament Performance Report August 2012 - August 2013 (2013), 8
[43] PNG Constitution 1975, s 145(4).
[44] Yash Ghai, "Constitutional
Reviews in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands", The Contemporary Pacific
2 (1990), 313, 329-330.
[45] Yash Ghai (ed), Law, Government, and
Politics in the Pacific Island States (Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies,
University of the South Pacific, 1988), 247; Bal Kama, "The Supreme
Court's 'Vote of No Confidence' Decision: Game On in Waigani", DevPolicy
Blog, 12 October 2015,
[46] In re Reference to Constitution
section 19(1) by East Sepik Provincial Executive [2011] PGSC 41; SC1154, (12
December 2011); Eric Tlozek, "Papua New Guinea's Opposition Launches
Another Motion for Vote of No Confidence", ABC News, 7 June 2016,;
"Political Marriage of Convenience", The National, 31 May 2012,
[47] Reilly, "Political Engineering
and Party Politics in Papua New Guinea", 707; General Council of the
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, "The Parliamentarian",
Journal of the Parliaments of the Commonwealth 8 (2001), 336.
[48] Papua New Guinea Registry of
Political Parties,
[49] Reilly, "Political Engineering
and Party Politics in Papua New Guinea", 706; Patrick Kaiku, "Are
Political Parties Ideological?", The National, 15 April 2016,
[50] Bill Standish, "Papua New
Guinea in 1999-2000", The Journal of Pacific History 36, No 3 (2001), 295.
[51] Special Reference By Fly River
Provincial Executive Council; Re Organic Law on Integrity of Political Parties
and Candidates [2010] PGSC 3; SC1057 (7 July 2010); Henry Tandep Okolo, "A
Critical Review of Papua New Guinea's Organic Law on the Integrity of Political
Parties and Candidates: 2001-2010", SSGM Discussion Paper 2012/5, 1,
[52] "PNC Party Leads with 52
MPs", The National, 16 November 2016,
[53] Freddy Mou, "Wingti, Pato,
Parkop and Kaupa arrive in Alotau", PNG Loop News, 30 July 2017,
[54] Freddy Mou, "DSIP Funds Keeps
MPs Intact with O'Neill, Says Sungi", PNG Loop News, 10 May 2016,
[55] Quintina Naime, "50 percent of
DSIP Fund to be Paid this Month", PNG Loop News, 9 August 2016,;
Department of Implementation and Rural Development, PSIP, DSIP and LLGSIP
Administrative Guidelines (2013),,%20PSIP%20etc%20guidelines.pdf.
[56] Department of Implementation and
Rural Development, PSIP, DSIP and LLGSIP Administrative Guidelines (2013),,%20PSIP%20etc%20guidelines.pdf;
S Howes, AA Mako, A Swan, G Walton, T Webster and C Wiltshire, A Lost Decade?
Service Delivery and Reforms in Papua New Guinea 2002-2012 (Canberra: The
National Research Institute and Development Policy Centre, 2014), 128-134,
[57] Organic Law on Provincial
Governments and Local-level Governments 1998, sections 95A and 95B; Naime,
"50 precent of DSIP fund to be paid this month".
[58] Reference to Constitution section
19(1) by East Sepik Provincial Executive [2011] PGSC 41[372]
[59] PNG Judiciary,
[60] Sally Pokiton, "Judges to
Increase", PNG Loop News, 30 May 2017,
[61] PNG Judiciary,;;
Sally Pokitan, "Judiciary Launches Online Case Listing", PNG Loop
News, 24 April 2017,
[62] John Logan, "A Year in the Life
of an Australian Member of the PNG Judiciary", SSGM Discussion Paper
2015/16, 9,
[63] Polye v O'Neill [2016] PGSC 65;
SC1547 (1 November 2016); Namah v Pato [2014] PGSC 1; SC1304 (29 January 2014);
In re Application by Ila Geno [2014] PGSC 2; SC1313 (28 February 2014).
[64] Namah v Pato [2014] PGSC 1; SC1304
(29 January 2014).
[65] Liam Fox, "PNG Chief Justice to
Face Sedition Charges in Court', ABC News, 27 May 2012,;
Todagia Kelola, "Two Judges Step Aside", Post Courier, 22 May 2012;
"Is Papua New Guinea's Judiciary No Longer Independent?", on PNG
Exposed Blog, 13 March 2012,
(A purported copy of the memo citing 'war' can be viewed from this publicly
accessible blog.)
[66] Marape v Paraka [2014] PGNC 118;
N5740 (1 July 2014) [52].
[67] In re Reference to Constitution
section 19(1) by East Sepik Provincial Executive [2011] PGSC 41; SC1154 (12
December 2011), [212].
[68] Oseah Philemon, "Independent
Judiciary Is Key for PNG: Judge", The National, 2 February 2010,
[69] Bal Kama, Reports from PhD Field
Interviews with Legal Academics, Lawyers, a Supreme Court Judge and Government
Officials, March 2015; Meggie Palmer, "Dirty Money: How Corrupt PNG Cash
is Reaching Australia", SBS Dateline, 23 June 2015,;
Deputy Chief Justice Salika's further observations on this point: "In PNG,
we have become good at mouthing-off tired legal, constitutional and political
principles, rendering them mere platitudes that are respected more in their
breach than observance. The usual victims are: the presumption of innocence;
Constitution is supreme; the doctrine of separation of powers; independence of
the judiciary; and, last but not the least, the rule of law." Reference to
Constitution section 19(1) by East Sepik Provincial Executive [2011] PGSC 41
[70] Gelu, Lupari and Liu v Somare [2008]
PGNC 166; N3526 (17 November 2008), [13].
[71] "Fraud and Corruption Offences
Track Launched", EMTV News, 31 March 2014,
[72] Constitution of the Independent
State of Papua New Guinea 1975, section 183(2); Organic Law on the Terms and
Conditions of Employment of Judges 1978, section 2.
[73] Constitution of the Independent
State of Papua New Guinea 1975, section 183(4).
[74] Constitution of the Commonwealth of
Australia 1901, section 75.
[75] Organic Law on the Terms and
Conditions of Employment of Judges 1978, section 2.
[76] "Fraud and Corruption Offences
Track Launched", EMTV News, 31 March 2014,;
Alexander Rheeney, "O'Neill Breaks a Solemn Promise so Newly Given",
PNG Attitude, 5 April 2012,;
Online user 'Devon' comments on
[77] Sally Pokiton, "2017 Legal Year
Opens", PNG Loop News, 30 January 2017,
[78] Stefan Armbruster, "Shooting
Deaths Mar PNG Election as Observers 'Alarmed' By Roll Irregularities",
SBS News, 24 July 2017,
[79] Rowan Callick, "Judge Steps In
to Protect PNG Police Chief after Claims his Actions 'Border on Treason'",
The Australian, 18 December 2011,
[80] Jenny Hayward-Jones, "PNG:
O'Neill Survives, Rule-of-Law Suffers", The Interpreter, 19 June 2014,
[81] "Commissioner Baki clears air
on closure of fraud squad office", Post Courier, 16 May 2016,;
"Vetting conditions on PNG fraud squad seen as suspicious", Radio New
Zealand, 12 May 2016,
[82] Helen Davidson, "Papua New
Guinea Police Barricade Anti-Fraud Squad Head's Office, Say Reports", The
Guardian, 18 April 2016,;
Bal Kama, "Some Clarification from the Courts in PNG PM's 'Fight to the
Very Last Breath", DevPolicy Blog, 4 July 2014,;
Rowan Callick, "Ex-PNG Minister Paul Tiensten Gets Nine Years Jail",
The Australian, 1 April 2014,;
Bal Kama, "A Victory over Corruption in PNG", The Interpreter, 4
April 2014,
[83] Criminal Code (Amendment) Act 2013,
sections 5 and 6,
[80] Liam Fox, "PNG Police
Commissioner Launches Legal Action against Disbanded Corruption Body",
Pacific Islands Report, 8 June 2017,
[85] PNG Constitution 1975, sections 117
and 217.
[86] Eric Tlozek, "PNG Election:
Constitutional Watchdog Intervenes after Election Ends in Controversy",
ABC News, 29 July 2017,
[87] PNG Constitution 1975, sections
[88] Gorethy Kenneth, "OC Directives
to Continue during Election Period", Post Courier, 1 May 2017,
[89] PNG Constitution 1975, section 19.
For instance, in the following cases, Reference by the Ombudsman Commission of
Papua New Guinea [2010] PGSC 10; SC1058 (4 June 2010); In Re Reference by the
Ombudsman Commission of Papua New Guinea [2010] PGSC 40; SC1088 (17 December
2010); Internal Security Act; Reference by the Ombudsman Commission, Re [1994]
PGSC 9; [1994] PNGLR 341 (4 May 1994).
[90] PNG Ombudsman Commission, Ombudsman
Commission's Submission on the Proposed Amendments to the Leadership Code, 08
May 2009,;
Keith Jackson, "People Urged to Oppose Maladina Amendment", PNG
Attitude, 27 March 2010,
[91] "Concern over 'Acting' Nature
of PNG Ombudsman Appointment", Radio New Zealand, 5 August 2016,
[92] PNG Constitution 1975, section 217;
Interviews conducted with OC Staff, 25 March 2016, as part of my PhD research.
[93] Freddy Mou, "Government
Influences Appointment of Officers: Polye", PNG Loop News, 18 December
[94] PNG Constitution 1975, sections
[95] Public Services (Management) Act
2014, section 27; Public Services (Management) Act 2014 - Public Services
(Management) (Employment of Departmental Heads) Regulation 2014, section 6.
[96] "Amendments to the Constitution
and Organic Law Concerns Commission", PNG Loop News, 28 July 2016,
[97] Public Services (Management) Act
2014 - Public Services (Management) (Employment of District Administrators)
Regulation 2014.
[98] Julianna Waeda, "Kondra Did Not
Authorise Payments, Court Told", PNG Loop News,
[99] "Should Women Have Reserved
Seats in Parliament?", The National, 21 August 2017,
[100] Christina Stewart, "Papua New
Guinea's Constitution: The Fatal Flaw", Outrigger: Blog of the Pacific
Institute, 5 October 2012,
[101] For example, Singapore and Cook
Islands: see Cook Islands Constitution, section 31.
[102] Bill Standish, "Papua New
Guinea in 1999-2000", Journal of Pacific History 36, No 3 (2001), 285,
[103] Stephen Howes, Andrew Anton Mako,
Anthony Swan, Grant Walton, Thomas Webster and Colin Wiltshire, A Lost Decade?
Service Delivery and Reforms in Papua New Guinea 2002-2012 (2014), 133-134,
[104] District Development Authority Act
2014, section 12.
[105] "Amendments to the
Constitution and Organic Law Concerns Commission".
[106] Interviews with a Judge and senior
state and private lawyers, 22-29 March 2016 (data from author's PhD field
[107] Bal Kama, "Judicial Setbacks
for the PNG Anti-Corruption Movement", ANU College of Law, 14 December
PNG Constitution 1975, sections 25, 109 and schedule 1.5.
[108] Palmer, "Dirty Money: How
Corrupt PNG Cash is Reaching Australia".
[109] Constitutional Amendment (No 40)
(Independent Commission Against Corruption) Law 2014,
[110] Ghai, Law, Government, and Politics
in the Pacific Island States, 247.
[111] Freddy Mou, "DSIP Keeps MPs
Intact with O'Neill, Says Sungi", PNG Loops News, 10 May 2016,
[112] Richard Scullion, Roman Gerodimos,
Daniel Jackson and Darren Lilleker (eds), The Media, Political Participation
and Empowerment (New York: Routlegde, 2013), 117.
[113] Reilly, "Political Engineering
and Party Politics in Papua New Guinea", 701; "Party Hopping Debate:
Gelu Clarifies", EMTV News, 18 June 2016,
Top image: David Moir/ via Getty Images

Bal Kama is a sessional lecturer at the Faculty of Business,
Government and Law, University of Canberra, and a Doctorate (PhD) candidate at
the Australian National University College of Law. His PhD thesis focuses on
the relationship between the judiciary and the parliament in Papua New Guinea.
Bal is admitted as a legal practitioner in the ACT Supreme Court. He has a
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice from the College of Law Sydney and a double
degree Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Bachelor of Arts (International Relations)
from the University of Canberra. Bal was a consultant to the United Nations
Women (UN Women) prior to his PhD studies and is the recipient of the 2016
Commonwealth Pacific Young Leader award.
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