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Showing posts with label Western. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western. Show all posts


Papua New Guinea recently celebrated its 41st Independence. On Monday 19th September 2016, the Post Courier ran a story of Muslims in Jiwaka Province, celebrating Independence with the rest of the country. It saddens me after reading stories from a book “Why We Left Islam” - Former Muslims Speak Out. Stories compiled and edited by Susan Crimp. It took 50 years for conservative and radical Muslims to take over Iran, once a peaceful and democratic country through strategic planning and coordination. Islam is a cancer that eats into the very fabric of freedom and democracy. Below is a finishing chapter from the book. Hope you read this and the book itself. Wake Up!! Papua New Guinea must wake up and burn out this cancer before it takes root and destroys it.

THOSE WHO HAVE SEEN ISLAM from the inside know better than anyone its true colors. It is their testimonies—more than the politically correct sophistry of contemporary Western commentators—that we must heed if we are to survive the resurgence of Islam on the world stage. The mounting news accounts of apparently unrelated acts of violence, “unrest,” and terrorism from around the world alarm many, but few possess the patience or clarity of thought to bring such apparently disparate events into focus. In fact, the overwhelming preponderance of organized violence on the world stage today—from Nigeria to Thailand, from Bosnia to Bali, from Chechnya to the Philippines, from Sudan to Indonesia, from Israel to Kashmir, to Paris, London, Madrid, Moscow, Washington, and New York—has its roots in the simple faith of Mohammad.
Across the globe, now as in Islam’s heyday (from roughly the Muslim invasions of the Holy Land and Spain in the seventh and eighth centuries A.D. to the Turks’ near-capture of Vienna at the end of the seventeenth), Islamic jihad is making itself felt. While there is no “central command” that orchestrates the global jihad, there is a common playbook: the Qur’an and the life and example of Mohammad, the Sunnah. If the West continues to misunderstand this basic fact, there can be little hope that it will take the necessary measures of self-defense. We are not threatened merely by the occasional terrorist but by a cohesive ideology, which for a thousand years threatened to overwhelm the West and managed to overcome other civilizations manifestly more advanced than itself. Ask the Persians or the Byzantines.