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Showing posts with label foreign policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foreign policy. Show all posts

Dare to dream, but in PNG it’s not enough

There are many people commenting online on the impacts of decisions taken by the current Papua New Guinea government. Many express their feelings about a looming fiscal crisis, these range from fury to indifference. In the haste for change once again it is easy to assume that a new crop of freshly elected leaders in a newly constituted PNG parliament after 2017 will miraculously create the change PNG needs!

We must not forget that the same laws will apply in the same national parliament and provincial houses of assembly. In the same national and district courtrooms, case law will grow and precedents will continue to be set in the absence of the hard questions that may never get asked about the blatant breaches in our society and adopted system of government.

Our broken service delivery system and our overheated economy will need more than elected candidates with tunnel vision.