Hon. Gary Juffa
Oro Governor
Humanity is under attack. Everywhere one cares to look, to observe one
sees the deconstruction of traditional societies, communities, tribes,
clans and families even. Humanity is extracted, discouraged even,
looked down upon and discouraged. In its place, materialism is
encouraged, cultivated and promoted. Peoples who acted or reacted with
empathy, consideration, love and care have been replaced by those who
act and react with violence, self seeking greed and obsessed with
material goods they often do not need.
Like a cancer the
promotion of individualism grows, spreading from the urban centers where
it is most profoundly expressed to rural settings and even remote
villages and hamlets. Everything and anything will have a price tag,
goods or services, even those once given free with love and
consideration, in fact especially those. Everyone and anyone will be a
vendor and a purchaser. Nothing will ever be free and even the commons,
water, air and so forth are themselves being considered for packaging
and sale in some manner, some fashion, significant research and
obsessive greed ensures this. Children will be devoid of parental
attention and love and parents will be obsessed with managing time and
their efforts to earn and spend.