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Showing posts with label Impact Projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Impact Projects. Show all posts

From shocking tribal violence to strawberries for Singapore


How Grand Chief, Sir Peter Ipatas rebuilt the old PHQ Office complex

Yesterday Chinese businessman Joe’s three-story building was burned down at Keas.

Today this story has appeared in PNG ATTITUDE which is published out of Australia. It highlights how the old PHQ office complex which burned down in March 1993 could not be saved because there was no fire service.
The story also highlights how Grand Chief Sir Peter Ipatas replaced that gutted PHQ with a modern one.
And how Governor Sir Ipatas has built other million kina projects in fighting zones, maintain stability and to export strawberries over 26 years later.
Please read on….

Nobody believed the people of Enga Province would one day export premium strawberries. To outsiders, it seemed their main achievement was to involve themselves in tribal warfare.
That perception will hopefully be erased now that a market has been established in Singapore for Enga strawberries and possibly other agricultural products.
This is the result of hard work put in by Governor Sir Peter Ipatas who encouraged Israeli company Innovative Agro Industries to partner with the Enga Provincial Government to establish a K23 million vegetable project at Taluma in the Sirunki area of Laiagam.