Daniel Kumbon
19 June 2015
An entry in the
Crocodile Prize PNG Government Award for Short Stories
IT’S a heart-
wrenching tale of the brief ascent to power, downfall and death of Takai Kapi,
the former Member of Parliament for Wabag.
And it was all
predicted in a dream – not by a fortune teller a village magician but by a
respected chartered accountant, Larsen Levi.
Levi is a graduate
of the PNG University of Technology. He had a Bachelor of Arts in
Accounting. He encouraged the late Kapi
to stand for election in 1997 because he saw him win in a vivid dream which
turned out to be true.
Kapi had graduated
from the University of PNG with a BA in Political Science in 1996. At age 25,
he was too young and lacked experience. He hadn’t yet grown the tough hide
required to withstand challenges and complexities of modern day politics.