by Bal Kama
6 December 2017
Papua New Guinea entered its 2017 National Election after a
tumultuous period in the country's politics and economy, and there remains much
uncertainty about the election process, with significant implications for the
country's future. [1] In the last ten years key political,
bureaucratic, and regulatory institutions have struggled and in some cases,
failed. These struggles have been more profound under the O'Neill government
despite some tangible advances in the country's ambitious Vision 2050
roadmap. [2]

Papua New Guinea National Parliament Photo: Drew
Douglas (flickr)
There is a widespread desire across the country for robust and
independent institutions to ensure economic gains are transparently and
sustainably managed. The ultimate question for many voters in the 2017 general
elections was not who would form the next government, but who would be the most
credible leader. [3] With elections now over, and the
O'Neill government returning for a second term, what does Papua New Guinea
expect of the new government and those in power?
This analysis attempts to address how key trends in PNG's politics
will impact upon both the bureaucracy and regulatory environment. It will
identify some of the key actors and how they are likely to change. It will
discuss current political trends, their impact on the regulatory and
legislative environments and how likely they are to continue in the future.
Finally, it assesses the prospects of continuing dysfunction in PNG politics,
the further marginalisation and deterioration of the bureaucracy, and how this
destructive course might be avoided.