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Waigani Seminar

The 2015 Waigani Seminar

The University of Papua New Guinea in cooperation with the Government of Papua New Guinea through the PNG Vision 2050 Office proudly announce the staging of the 2015 Waigani Seminar to act as a platform for debates and discussions to chart future development ideals for Papua New Guinea.

Theme: Celebrating the past, Understanding the present, and Charting the future through Effective Leadership and Good Governance.


The 2015 Waigani Seminar provides an excellent platform for national and international debates and exchange of intellectual discourse on issues and challenges in developing a cadre of effective Leaders who would apply world’s best practices in good Governance in pursuing the development agenda of prosperity for the people of Papua New Guinea as envisioned in the PNG Vision 2050.

The University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) will have achieved fifty years of providing university education to Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the Pacific region by the year 2015.   UPNG has been the major provider of human resource requirements of PNG since 1960’s hence, significantly influencing and changing the socio- , political, economic, and leadership landscape since Independence in 1975.   UPNG will have contributed to PNG’s workforce for the last fifty years in 2015 while PNG as a nation will celebrate forty years growing in partnership with UPNG.   

The PNG Vision 2050 envisions to achieving a smart, wise, fair, healthy and happy society by the year 2050.  That vision will have been in operation in its fifth year of implementation in 2015 but only the last year of the first Medium Term Development Plan (2011-2015).  It is fitting that the Theme of the 2015 Waigani Seminar intends to celebrate the past common histories and successes not only of the political independence  but also of meaningful contributions to human capital development that provided the leadership needed at various layers of PNG society. 

The 2015 Waigani Seminar intends to celebrate the past by learning from the lessons of the last half-century with a view to understand the present dynamics and challenges brought about by the socio-, political and economic developments in order to chart the way forward into the future.  It is envisaged that while celebrating the past achievements or lack of it, an appreciation of the present socio-, economic and political development dynamics is anticipated or is better understood so as to chart a way forward into the future in sync with the aspirations of the PNG Vision 2050.  It is a commonly held view  that the most critical element to help chart a way forward into the future based on the past lessons and appreciation of the present challenges is through the development of PNG’s Human Resources which falls within the purview of UPNG’s mandate.  Just like the graduates of the past 50 years from UPNG, the graduates of the next fifty years are expected to continue to hold leadership positions that would be empowered and inculcated with the right values and virtues of the world’s best practices in good governance and leadership principles in their respective roles in nation building.


The PNG Vision 2050 envisages to creating a smart, wise, fair, healthy and happy society who will be prosperous by the year 2050. What does the 2015 score-card of PNG Vision 2050 say about PNG’s current status especially on the globally measured socio-economic indicators such as the UN Human Development Index? How can PNG strategize and implement to raise the present status to achieve the aspirations envisioned in PNG Vision 2050?  How can UPNG being the premier university of South-west Pacific region respond and contribute to produce the required Human Resource that will drive and implement the university’s mandate?  What calibre and cadre of leaders can UPNG produce in the next fifty years that are committed and passionate to contribute towards achieving the PNG Vision 2050?  These and many other  highly relevant questions bordering on its roles, responsibilities and mandate will be discussed, debated, examined, critiqued, and analysed at the 2015 Waigani Seminar with a view to chart a new path to contribute towards PNG’s development agenda of creating prosperity for the people of PNG in the next fifty years.  

Highlights of the Seminar

The 2015 Waigani Seminar is not just another seminar series the UPNG has been traditionally associated with for the last five decades.  The 2015 Waigani Seminar celebrates a very special occasion in the history of not only UPNG but also for PNG as a nation.  It is a celebration commemorating fifty years of UPNG’s dedication, commitment and determination in its resolve through its mission to develop qualified and highly motivated graduates to serve in PNG’s growing workforce in strategic roles in nation building.  It commemorates the Golden Jubilee of the University of Papua New Guinea’s unwavering and unrivaled role to develop the workforce required in PNG’s development since its establishment.

The 2015 Waigani Seminar will celebrate as part of UPNG’s Golden Jubilee celebrations which takes cognisant of the fact that Papua New Guinea as a nation state also celebrates the fortieth (40th) Anniversary of  Independence as the University was established with the intention of producing graduates of high calibre in anticipation of the imminent self-rule and self-determination agenda then which eventually culminated in declaration of political Independence for the Independent State of Papua New Guinea on 16th September 1975.  It’s a celebration of partnership in growing and working together in the service of nation building since Independence.

The University’s role in the development of the human capital requirement for the Independent State of Papua New Guinea has reached its fiftieth year of providing university education to take stock of its past achievements to realign its strategies given the present realities for future directions in synchronisation with the Papua New Guinea Vision 2050.  The 2015 Waigani Seminar will mark the fifth year of the implementation of PNG Vision 2050 as captured in the Medium Term Development Plan 2011-2015, which is the first MTDP of the eight MTDPs anticipated by the year 2050.  It is fitting that such a humble beginning of PNG Vision 2050’s first five years implementation of a forty-year journey is brought under the microscope at the 2015 Waigani Seminar as a platform for providing discussions and evidence to further progress the aspirations of the vision for prosperity in PNG. 

The University of Papua New Guinea in in cooperation with the Government of Papua New Guinea through the PNG Vision 2050 Office intends to ride on the fine tradition of the Waigani Seminar of the yester years to co-host  the 2015 Waigani Seminar.  The 2015 Waigani Seminar hopes to bring past practices and strategies for development agenda to critically analyze the achievements and challenges with the expressed intention to bring forth evidence from  a cross-section of interest groups ranging from academia to real-life experiences of past  and present political and bureaucratic leaders whose contributions would provide necessary policy  framework and strategic directions for further improve and implement the PNG Vision 2050’s aspirations.

Objectives of the Seminar

The 2015 Waigani Seminar’s Objectives are manifold.  The Seminar aims to bring leaders of eminent standing from within PNG and across the globe with special interest in the development agenda of Papua New Guinea to provide critical analysis of the past fifty years as a university and forty years as the nation state of Papua New Guinea within the framework of the country’s vision to achieve prosperity for the its people within the forty year timeframe envisioned in the PNG Vision 2050.

·         The 2015 Waigani Seminar plans to invite former Prime Ministers & the current Prime Minister Hon Peter O’Neill to articulate and share their dreams, views and aspirations for PNG by appreciating and understanding where we came from and where we should be in the next fifty years and how they as leaders intend to lead PNG into the future.

·         The 2015 Waigani Seminar intends to use the occasion to Review PNG Vision 2050’s implementation to date in the year 2015 which marks the 5th year of implementation and assess its score cards on what has been done to date, how much has been achieved, what are the perceived challenges and impediments to implementation, how the past lessons could be incorporated into the next phase of implementation through the second MTDP (2016-2010) priorities, and where has been the bottlenecks to effective implementation, as some of the initial questions to help guide, examine and explore possible and plausible course of actions to chart the way forward.

·         The 2015 Waigani Seminar anticipates that the different state players (such as Government Departments, Statutory Authorities, State-owned Enterprises including Provincial and Local-level Governments) to explore their Leadership and Governance structures, identify their strengths and weaknesses, discuss ways and means to improve the Governance practices and Leadership roles, and determine how best the next cadre of leadership is groomed, empowered and educated to provide effective Leadership and good Governance practices in the implementation of the PNG Vision 2050.  

·         The 2015 Waigani Seminar will bring forth a smorgasbord of theoretical ideas, practical examples, world’s best practices, including PNG’s home-bred success stories of champions involved in various projects with highest bearing towards achieving PNG Vision 2050 and contribute to design or formulate Policies for PNG’s Human Resources and Capacity Building with appropriate skills set, values, attitudes and aptitude required for the new generation of workforce for the next 50 years in PNG.

·         The 2015 Waigani Seminar will provide a strong basis for collaboration between and among the significant players to identify and strategize the most appropriate Policies that will enhance the livelihoods of Papua New Guineans which will be translated into improved living conditions for the majority of the people and reflected positively in the improved socio-economic indicators that would place PNG in the top 50 countries among the ‘Middle Income’ category of countries on the United Nation’s Human Development Index by the year 2030 and achieve prosperity by the year 2050.

Expected Outcomes of the Seminar

It is expected that the following outcomes will be realised or achieved from The 2015 Waigani Seminar.  The perceived outcomes will have a significant bearing on the University’s programs in terms of the Human Resource development and Capacity Building for PNG in the overall scheme of visioning intended by the PNG Vision 2050.

1.       Good Governance and Effective Leadership framework in the PNG context would be strategically developed for implementation.

2.       Exchange of views through discussions from the presentations of papers and personal accounts of past and present leaders’ aspirations for PNG in the next fifty years.  Former Prime Ministers of PNG and present Prime Minister’s aspirations for PNG are included in the discussion.

3.       Formulate resolutions on best practices on good Governance and effective Leadership to drive and implement PNG’s development agenda and aspirations.

4.       Different forms of Publications of reports and policy directions to capture a wide variety of viewpoints and suggestions grounded in research to form the bases for informed pool of information to guide long term planning.

5.       Models of National, Provincial, and Local-Level Governments and their respective leadership qualities and practices is reported, refined, shaped and recommended for implementation.

6.       A national platform and agenda for launching the next level or cadre of leaders to be passionate and motivated to drive and implement the development agenda to improve standard of living and quality of life for PNG.

The 2015 Waigani Seminar will be held at the University of Papua New Guinea from 19th to 21st of August 2015.

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