Lets Connect

Silent Observer

Indeed, it's been a long time.

With Twitter, Facebook and etc, updates are getting to you in bits and pieces. However, at the end of the day, it still feels great to be able to sit down with a cup of warm coffee and write something proper - in full, not just a sentence or two. Sometimes, there are just so many things in my mind that i do not know where to begin.

It's feels pretty good to be able to silently observe your surroundings, the people around you. Take yourself out of the equation and look around, perhaps you will learn even more than you will ever know. At times, even as an onlooker, you find yourself embroiled in everything that happens - even if it does not concerns you.

It's kinda funny, weird, and at times amazing.. What you see, what you find, what you observe. You see a bit of you in people, in everyday life. You see things you love, you see things that scare you, it makes you grow as a person. I guess I've always liked to put myself in that position, maybe that's why I love being alone. Perhaps that's why I prefer writing to speaking, where I could trim and edit my thoughts till it's perfect before it reaches someone.

I'm grateful for everything that has happened during my journey of life. I think I've grown, I think I'm a better person now - I hope. At the end of the day, that's the most important.

If you're still reading, why not take some time out of your hectic life and just be yourself. Sit down, grab a cup of coffee and observe everyday life - without the melodrama.

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